June Partners combines the best experts in finance, HR, industrial and operational divisions who know what a business is, its constraints and its obligation of results.
Thanks to multidisciplinary experience in consulting and business, numerous missions in different contexts (150+ missions and 90+ clients) in your activity sectors, our team’s cutting edge digital experience will provide you with the means to accelerate your performance, and implement your new trajectory in France and abroad. Whether these are your “top line” stakes, improvement of your EBITDA, liquid assets, we can provide support to your operational teams or take control of the key operations of the company. Sometimes, shareholders and Executives need financial and operational management of their company to improve their performance and, thanks to our teams, we can help them. We bring together skilled Executives who assume the roles of chairman/CEO, integrating into the June Partners transformation and performance improvement plan. First and foremost, our teams are experienced. 80% of our staff has over 15 years of experience. Because knowledge combined with expertise is the only guarantee for effectiveness and results. For you, we will build an ad hoc team, depending on the diagnostic and the audit that we will have conducted, who knows how to mobilize and what it means to intervene in commando mode to deliver the expected performance. Thanks to our large network, when we do not have the expertise internally, we know how to find the expert you need and integrate him into the project team. Each mission is coordinated by a partner. Responsible of the implementation of your transformation trajectory, he will be your dedicated contact person and will be involved throughout the mission. He will coordinate your task force, the “delivery”, and the expected performance.
June Partners, for a tangible and sustainable performance
We are on both sides of the performance and the efficiency. This is what led to the creation of June Partners. We wanted to get out of a board that is hiding behind the obligation of means, and we, as partners, desire to be engaged in the field to have a more profound impact alongside our clients. We are determined to act differently. We believe that experience and seniority are the keys to make a difference. Partners are involved and spend 70% of their time on missions. We are committed to stay by your side to deliver sustainable and measurable performance. A performance that also determines our compensation: currently 50% of our interventions have success fees.