Strategy by makers.

June Partners Rechercher
June Partners combines the best experts in finance, HR, M&A, industrial and operational divisions to assist your company in its transformation process. A genuine team of architects builders.

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Our interventions

Our interventions

June Partners combines the best experts in finance, HR, industrial and operational divisions who know what a business is, its constraints and its obligation of results.
Our interventions

Testimonies & References

Daniel Jürgens Mestre, Group Chief Financial Officer, Trigo
« The operational experience of the June Partners teams, combined with their pragmatism and ability to listen, helped us to define and implement a tailor-made OTC process that delivers a sustainable reduction of DSO. »
Bruno Saintes, Project line pipe and Process Product line Director, Vallourec
« The June Partners team accompanied us on a cash optimization mission, and more particularly on trade receivables and suppliers.
Their very pragmatic, readable and directly applicable approach enabled the group to adopt much more rigorous processes and to be much more efficient. The rigor and the very operational support of the team were also a key factor of success on this mission. »
Denis Moos, SadevInox
« The June Partners team was a key success factor in this sale thanks to its transactional, financial and operational expertise and the proximity of its support. »
Geoff Alan HRA Pharma
« June Partners assisted us in cash and reporting, which first allowed HRA to control the cash flows projections and then, to have a reliable reporting in order to manage more effectively our activities. »
Franck Levy CFO Selecta
« June Partners’ teams assist us regularly in improving our financial and operational performance. During each of their interventions, they were strongly involved in the different issues as they integrated our teams. Consequently, they were able to identify all the levers of improvement. They were available, adaptable and attentive to our needs. The teams were also quite appreciated within the company and helped us many times to « root » the improvement of our processes. »
Patrick VENRIES Executive Director SAPESO
« June Partners assisted us in the structuration of our business vision. Their prior social diagnosis of the situation enabled them to understand perfectly our goals and then to develop operational approaches of transformations. Also, they clarified our perspective of the issues in order to formalize and to initiate the implementation in the best conditions. »
Isabelle Guillou Executive Performance Director – Altarea Cogedim
« As an Administration and Financial Director, it’s been more than 5 years that I’m working regularly with June Partners. As part of the Altarea Cogedim Group’s transformation, June Partners, assisted us with the performance management project. A lot of different teams worked on the optimization of the WCR or processes mission…The teams were very competent and they always integrated themselves perfectly with our own teams, thanks to a significant work of adaptation to our culture and to our transformation project. »
Efficient collaboration
We work with your teams, in your offices, to maximize the impact and accelerate the implementation. We are here to secure the result and share the know-how.
Proven experience
A team of businesses and sectors' complementary experts to support you throughout the value chain of performance, including the most operational aspects.
Results delivered
That’s why you contact us and that’s what motivates us above all else. We are not here to produce reports or diagnostics, but to develop solutions and implement them quickly
A team of entrepreneurs that combines the culture of results and the individual and collective fulfilment.